What Must You Do to Attain Wisdom?

When you have simple living, you will have high thinking. If you don’t live simply, you won't have enough time. You will keep desiring something or the other. You must lead a simple life. Save yourself from distractions. Cultivate modesty in yourself. Learn to acknowledge others. When you make mistakes, immediately say I was wrong.

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In English, hikmat is known as wisdom. There is something called pre-wisdom, without which wisdom cannot be attained. To attain wisdom you need to manage your life in such a way that your life is need-based. If you don’t want wisdom, that is alright. But if you want to attain wisdom, you must lead a need-based life. You have to abandon comfort and luxury, which are sources of distraction. When you have a need-based life, you will have ample time for yourself.  This is simple living, high thinking. Both are connected to one another. When you have simple living, you will have high thinking. If you don’t live simply, you won't have enough time. You will keep desiring something or the other. You must lead a simple life. Save yourself from distractions. Cultivate modesty in yourself. Learn to acknowledge others. When you make mistakes, immediately say I was wrong. Never try to patch up. After making mistakes, don’t try to portray that you were right. You must say straightaway, I was wrong. Then a process of reform will initiate within you. When you don’t admit your mistakes, this process comes to a halt. When you admit your mistakes, this process starts. This is the way forward in this matter.

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